Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Picture this

In a few short weeks this space will become our son Pat's new room. It is right now our garage, there will be a small room for the frezzers, closet space for tools and space for Pat's bed and desk. And yes mom my garage is really this clean right now


The pool

This year instead of a family vacation we bought a pool, now let me tell you when the kids told me they wanted to go swimming and I reminded them  the water was only 65 degrees and It was only 68 outside that didn't stop them. I think they were in the pool for a few seconds and right back out again. Well we have had the pool filled for a few days now and It was 85 here yesterday so they went swimming agian and this time lasted about 30 min.

Yet today it is raining and only 58 degrees, here are some photo's of the pool.


My New Garden

My son Pat with dad's money built me some rasied bed gardens. There will be four of them when they are all finished. The first two are ready for planting and one other one is ready for dirt and the fourth is yet to be made. Maybe this weekend he will get it built.

The first bed has carrots ( 128 ), lettuce ( 32) , Radishes( 32), Broclli ( 8),spinach ( 18), Onions ( 64),peas ( 32), and snap Peas ( 32),

Bed number 2 has 20 strawberry plants,

Bed # 3 is going to have 6 roma tomato plants and 1 cherry and 1 beefsteak tomato I will plant these at the end of the month when all chance of frost should be gone. And I will plant some more spinach and lettuce around those plants.

Bed #4 is going to have 6 cucumber plants, and 7 pepper plant. I think I cannot find the plan right now. I was hopping to plant some pumpkins somewhere else in the yard I just do not know yet.



Thursday, May 3, 2007

Our home on Thursday


Well today was another busy day here at the Eagle’s Nest, housework wise I did another load of wash and a general pick-up. Then I headed outside, were we hung more laundry to dry, and worked more on the garden.

Then it was time for repairs, I have to fix the washer as the cold water intake is clogged with dirt the real fine kind, but of coarse I couldn’t find the right pair of pliers so that repair will need to be done tomorrow. After Pat’s tutoring, Aidan fell asleep so I left him with Pat and took the three amigos with me to get the snow tries off the van. While when we got here they couldn’t see me until 3pm so off to the library in town to waste time until 3pm. I have never been in this library but found that they have a great children’s area so I will be back this summer with the kids. After the tires I stopped by home and picked some of my kids and all the cousins’ clothes and drove out to DH work and dropped off the cousins as they are heading to grandma’s house.

 I also picked up the wood for my raised beds so my son Pat will be working on them tomorrow, as I would like to get my cool weather plants into the garden this weekend.

 As far as meals went we had French toast sticks for breakfast and I burned the sausage. Lunch was turkey sandwiches and I made myself an egg and cheese burrito. Dinner was on the run as I was driving kids all over so we had Arby’s roast beef sandwiches.,

 And we did do some school work today.

Our home on Wednesday


What a day I spent most of it waiting for the pool guys to come, which they never did. But I did get the kitchen floor and living floor washed, and Aidan slept though his PT. I did get more laundry done and hug on the line. Plus the daily work of school, and kitchen work.

 For breakfast we had cereal and lunch was leftover hamburgers. Dinner was an open the fridge and have an idea meal as I was feeding 12 yesterday and 10 were kids. We had beef potpie, I used the leftover beef from dinner on Monday, added some gravy, peas, carrots, corn, and some canned potatoes (I didn’t have any leftover ones). Then all into a pan and topped with biscuits, and into the oven.

 Then there were the evening activates the two oldest girls here went to youth group; the youngest 6 (but not the baby) went to Word of Life Club. My oldest son stayed with the baby until dh got home. And I went to the track for an hour of exercise, well I made it 30 min before I just could walk any more. Then pick everyone up and home to bed.

 Tomorrow my extra 3 kids head home with my dh who is taking them

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Trip to the Buffalo Science Center

We went to the science center to celebrate Aidan's first birthday, we had quite the crowd with only family and even then not the whole family. The one spot the big kids love was closed,but Aidan had fun in his hands on spot.


You have to love a boy and his firetruck.


Here is a picture of some of the other kids,

Nolan is the one working the display, Luke my nephew,then Makayla my niece, then Kathryn, and my oldest Pat with his stupid hat on.

Aidan's first haircut

Here is the before photo. We wait until there first birthay to get there haircut, and he was one little boy who really needed a hair cut.


And here is the after, he was so good at getting his haircut.


Kathryn's Animal Project

Kathryn worked hard on reading books about and looking for information on the net to make her poster, then she had to teach her class from the poster.


Here she is teaching us about her animal.

Easter pictures ( yep I am way behind )

Here is a picture of the kids Easter morning my mom made the pink dress and the outfit that Aidan is wearing.

My body hurts

It has been quite busy around here, We have many projects going on in the house, so far they have finished the attic pull down ladder and the arch way in the living room/ dining room. They will be back Saturday to work on the changing the garage into a bedroom, and then onto the roof.

Today the pool guys are coming to start putting in the pool.

But the reason I am so sore is I have been raking out areas of brush before it grows agian, as I am trying to regain some more yard. So therefore my upper body aches,and I have started walking at the local school track with some of the women from my church. It is great there is a grassy area for the kids to play and the track is soft to walk on. We walk and talk which has to be better for my health then to sit and talk.