Thursday, July 21, 2005

Setting up TOG Year 4

This year I am using Tapestry of Grace Year 4 with my 13year old son; this will be our first time using this curriculum. In the past we have used sonlight, and some abeca that did work well .But I wanted something that used lots of reading real books and I could use full time with my older son and after school with my younger children. TOG looks like it will do this for me and at a price we can afford. I really like the way the writing program was written, with grading rubrics and everything; great for writing challenged person like me.

 So I spent today setting up my binders; I am placing everything in sheet protectors, as I tend to read while I eat or am drinking tea. I am also making my own planning book for Patrick to fill out not only for his TOG, but his other studies to. I am also trying to design a calendar for him to fill out the time he spends each day on each subject, as I need to track hours for him.

I have started reading unit 1 and I am thinking to myself this child is going to have a better understanding of 20th century history then I ever had. I am starting my list of books that I will need to get from the library and which ones I will need to buy and when. I am getting a handle on things I think, and by September when we start working on schoolwork each day I should be ready.

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