Sunday, August 18, 2019

New Goals for a New School Year

It's the time of the year that I start to think about new goals for the year.

1) Take a college class - thinking this will be a spring semester goal

2) Walk one mile per day on purpose for 26 connective days. - Was thinking of doing this in September but with the pain my knee is giving me I may need to postpone this one, but I think I will at least still try.

3) Menu plan every two weeks- I have learned that if I sit down and menu plan I am more likely to actually feed the family.

4) Paint a picture- I am not a creative type person as far as painting is but it is something I want to try this year so once again I see you tube videos in my future.

5)Complete at least 75 percent of weekly to do list- I like lists and each Sunday spend some time making them but they don't always get done. This year I wanted a goal to help me focus on completing more of the weekly to do list.

6) Do a 5k walk- This is going to be late Fall or Early spring

7) Monthly organizing project- See below

8) Make Dinner 5 out of 7 days a week.- Friday's my 12 year old makes pizza and Sunday's is leftovers.

9) Family Game time at least 1x a week- I am going to aim that every Friday we play a game since we have no outside commitments usually that day. I will also aim to try to play a game with Aidan on Sunday afternoons.

10) Family dinner at the table with no devices at least 3x a week- We are a busy family and as much as I would like to eat together at the table every night as we did when the kids were younger that is just not happening. But I think we should be able to do it 3x a week if I write it on the family calendar, and most importantly no devices.

11) Take one picture every day and write about it. This is one goal that I think I will enjoy the most, and hope to print out at the end of year into a photo book.

Break down of the Monthly Organizing Goal so far

September- My side of the Garage
October-  Yard
November- The back of the garage
December- Under the stairs, the Christmas stuff
January- Filing cabinets
February- All the bookshelves in the house
March- Closets
April- August still to be decided.

And finally a wrap up of last years goals-

1. Read one non-fiction book per month :

I tried but I guess my real love is fiction and cookbooks.

2. Monthly date with the husband 

With him working shift work, and me also working monthly dates didn't always happen this year. But I think we have done well in making time for us when we can, lately we have been binge watching Friends at night. We also have a just the two of us dinner out planned for later this month.

3. Weekly Game Night : 

It hasn't happened every week but we have some new favorites like Code Words and after a visit with a friend Labyrinth.

4. Try a new recipe each week - We ate a lot of old favorites this summer.

5. Fall-Spring Garden-
Oh my how the summer garden grew, well at least the tomatoes. Have been giving away tomatoes for at least a month. The cucumbers never set, and only a few zucchini. The greens did well and the rabbit has been very well fed this summer on kale, lettuce and more.

6. De-clutter- 

Have a new plan for this year

7. Loose some weight

Yep didn't happen, so changed this goal up for next year.

8. Learn a new skill - 

I made soap, this year and it was fun. I look forward to making some more this winter and really sometimes you just need to step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

9. Reduce trash

Bit by Bit

10. A Financial goal-

I think I met my goal this year.

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