Thursday, July 28, 2005

Tramp to the Klondike part 5

May 3- Visited the State University and other places of note, could give a full account of the city and country, having had to remain here for some time. We put in our visiting, sight- seeing, church-going, fishing, or at least tried to, but the day was to clear, could see thousands of trout in the water, in fact they were like a moving mass. My boy Heber may think this is a fish story; but it is quite true. The city is full of commotion; people getting ready to go to Alaska. We expect to start in a short time, but as yet have not purchased our outfit.


Have brought outfit as follows:



2 picks, 2 shovels, 1 ax, skinning knife, 2 gold pans, 1 gold scales, 4 pairs spectacles to protect eyes from snow, 3 buckets, knives and forks, spoons, fishing tackle. Half interest in tools to build boat, such as whipsaw, handsaw, bits and brace, nails, hatchets, cook stove, tent, which cost about $20.



2 pair blankets, 2 pair rubber blankets, 6 pair socks, gloves, towels, needles, thread. Boots and shoes alone cost $20. Mittens, hats, mackinaw, 2 pair overalls, 3 overshirts, 2 suits underclothes. Cannot give price of clothing because I brought several articles from home.


Groceries for Two


400 lbs Imperial Flour                         9.50

6 cans baking powder                         2.50

30 lbs pitted plums                              1.80

30 lbs evaporated apples                     2.10

30 lbs evaporated peaches                   2.00

30 lbsevaporatedapricots                  1.20

10 lbs tea                                              3.00

15 lbs coffee                                         4.50

20 lbs salt                                               .20

6 cans milk                                             .65

2-¼ lb mustard                                        .20

200 lbs bacon                                      23.00

100 lbs pink beans                                2.00

4 lbs evaporated onions                        2.00

6 lbs vegetable soup                              1.60

25 lbs evaporated potatoes                    4.90

100 lbs granulated sugar                       5.00

50 lbs yellow corn meal                          .85

40 lbs rolled oats                                   1.00

½ lb pepper                                              .20

10 lbs rice                                                .50

2 packages soda                                       .15

6 packages magic yeast                            .25

1 doz. Extract of beef                            4.00

5 cakes soap, tar                                      .25

3 bars Ivory soap                                     .50

1 bottle Buckeye vinegar                         .50

20 lbs salt sides                                      1.40

Canvas bags                                            3.60

10 boxes matches                                      .25






1oz quinine, 1oz fluid ex jess amine, 2 bottles of one minute cough cure, 1 bottle mustang liniment, 1 sack of Glauber salts.


Fire Arms, Etc.


2 guns, 2 revolvers, 400 shells, 2 big knives, 2 belts, lantern and oil.


The whole outfit weighed about 1,500 pounds.




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